Boo-boo No-no

As some of you already know, I’ve had some really bad dates before. This is the story I alluded to in my comments from my last bad date post. Once again, I’m going to call the woman in this story Sara, just because it’s easy to type. Here it goes.

So, I was set up once again from a wife of a friend of mine. Not a big deal. She didn’t over sell the woman I was to go out with or anything like that. All she told me was that Sara was nice, intelligent, funny, stylish and loved animals. I figured that it couldn’t be as bad as some of the previous dates I’ve been on, so I agreed to the blind date. I called Sara and set up a date for that weekend at a restaurant in Waikiki named Duke’s.

It’s the night of the date and I’m sitting at the bar having a beer, waiting for Sara to arrive. The bartender was cool, had a lot of good jokes and knew a thing or two about hockey. We just bullshitted away, passing the time until Sara showed up, about 35 minutes late and with a companion.

Sara’s companion was a small dog, I’m not sure of the breed, that was tucked away, safe and sound in a purse made to carry fashion accessory type dogs. The dogs name was Romeo and apparently, he wasn’t quite finished with his favorite T.V. show and he couldn’t find something to wear for the date. That was the cause of the two of them being late. Even though, that whole thing seemed kinda odd to me, Sara was like lava hot and had all of the right curves in the right places, so I let it slide and we went to get a table.

After about 10 minutes or so of conversation, it’s blatantly obvious to me that this was not going to be the future Mrs. TommyT. Every single sentence that came out of her mouth started with a long drawn out “Ummmmmmmmmmmm” followed by a head tilt and confused look. After that, the words that came out of her mouth typically didn’t have anything to do with what we were talking about and didn’t really seem to make any sense to me, or the people sitting at the next table (they kept on giggling). Here’s pretty much a typical back and forth between the two of us.

Me “So, I’ve heard that you like animals”

Sara “Ummmmmmmmmm (head tilt, confused look) Well, dolphins are like super intelligent and can talk to each other just like we can. Cats are mysterious and interesting, but I like my little Romeo”

Me “Okay, how long have you had Romeo?”

Sara “Ummmmmmmmmm (head tilt, confused look) what do you mean? Like in this life or in a previous one? Like I’m totally into the whole past life thing. Maybe we knew each other before? Maybe you were Romeo before like in the 23rd century or something like that?” (BTW, she actually said, “23rd century”)

Me “If I were Romeo in a past life, wouldn’t that make it kinda hard for the two of us to be here at the same time?”

Sara “Ummmmmmmmm (head tilt, confused look) you’re like smart and stuff. I like that in my men. Isn’t that right Romeo? (Insert random baby talk to the dog)”

I know that it seems like I’m making fun of Sara and, well, I kinda am. Here’s the thing, Sara was an extraordinarily kind person. I don’t think that there is a mean bone in that woman’s body. She had a lot of good qualities to her and was an all around great girl. It’s just that, because she was so attractive and came from some money, not too much was ever expected of her. She had a weekly allowance form her Father (she was 26) who also paid for her rent. She got most of her information about the world from E! Entertainment Television, US Weekly and from other various tabloid type media outlets. She was one of those girls that was supposed to just be pretty, follow fashion trends, marry well and have babies that the nannies raised. Kinda sad when you think about it.

The thing that I found the most interesting about Sara was that she was perfectly happy just being herself. Maybe she was just unaware of what people expected of her? Maybe she knew it and had just accepted it? Who knows, but how many people have you met in your life that were just happy being themselves? Not many I’m guessing.

Despite all of her good qualities and let’s face it, her fantastic boobs, this was going to be our one and only date. I just can’t date someone who I can’t talk to. Trust me, I’ve tried before and it just doesn’t work out. There has got to be some sort of a mental connection for things to work out in a relationship and Sara and I just didn’t have that. It’s just one of those things I’ve learned along the way.

We finish dinner and leave the restaurant. On the way to her car, Romeo had what Sara affectionately referred to as a, “Boo-boo No-no”. Basically, he shit in the little purse thing. Apparently, this sort of thing happened frequently and Sara was prepared to deal with it. She set the purse thing down on the sidewalk, pulled out some wet wipes from the side of the bag and opened it up to take care of the “Boo-boo No-no”.

As soon as Sara opened that purse, Romeo made a break for it. That little dog bolted from the bag quicker than anything I’ve ever seen before and made a beeline right into the street. The smell of burning rubber and the loud screeching of tires filled the night air. In order to avoid all of the gory details, let’s just say that the taxi won and Romeo was sent to a better place.


Sara flipped out. I’m not talking about the kind of reaction that would have been understandable in this situation. She completely lost it “mental patient off their meds” style. Arms went flailing and words that have yet to be invented came out of her mouth at a rate that was, to say the least, impressive. She couldn’t be consoled and wound up laying flat on her back in the middle of the sidewalk crying and screaming.

I did everything that I could to help out. I tried to hold her and attempted to provide some sort of comfort. I was also trying to deal with the crowd that witnessed the event as well as the taxi driver who just kept on repeating, “I didn’t see it!”. Things were not good. The police showed up due to the commotion and started to ask the people gathered around what happened. They eventually made their way to Sara and I. Sara was able to talk, barely, at this point and we started to tell the cops what had happened. Out of nowhere, right when the officer opened his little notebook, Sara looks at me and says, “Why did you let him go into the street?”.


Now the cop thinks that I’m the one who sent Romeo into oncoming traffic and gave me one of those looks that could only mean trouble. I’m guessing that the cop was a fellow animal lover because he treated me as if I had punted Romeo directly into the taxi. I was cuffed, read my rights and thrown, not placed, not directed to, but thrown into the back of his squad car.


I sat in the back of the squad car trying to plead my case to anyone who would listen. Of course, that’s what everyone does in that situation and I was treated just like those people are normally treated. I was completely ignored. Sara was taken away by another police car just as the animal control van showed up to collect the remains of Romeo. Things were not looking so good for me, but at least I wasn’t the one being scooped up by a spade from underneath a taxi. Things could have been worse.

Eventually, the cops pieced together what had actually happened from the testimonies of the taxi driver and some of the witnesses. I was let out of the car, the cuffs were removed and the cop gave me an honest apology. I told him that there were no hard feelings and that, if I thought that someone had drop kicked a dog, or any animal, into traffic, I pretty much would have done the same thing. We shook hands and I went off on my way.

I tried calling Sara the next day to see how she was doing and to offer my condolences for her loss. It seemed like the right thing to do. There was no answer on her home or cell phone. After several attempts at contacting Sara over the next few days, I got word from my friend’s wife about how Sara was coping with her loss. It wasn’t good. Sara was holding up at her parents house and under some pretty heavy sedation.

I felt really bad for her. I’m guessing that Romeo was one of the few that never expected anything from Sara, but loved her unconditionally just as she was. We should all be so lucky to have someone in our lives like that.

If you do have someone in your life like that, please, whatever you do, keep them out of oncoming traffic. It never ends well.

28 Responses

  1. Oh, what can I say? I’ve heard most of this story before, but it was just as good, if not better the second time ’round. More detail. Oh, the detail… Oh, the humanity… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Sorry, couldn’t hold it in any longer. Oh, how I laughed… and laughed…

    I love me some schadenfreude… ;)

  2. Vanessa- I actually left a lot of the details out of this story. It’s long enough as it is. Oh, and you are well aware that schadenfreude is on of my favorite words and I’m a sucker for a good Hindenburg joke. HA!

  3. Haha! Schadenfreude is a beautiful thing, indeed. Combine the exotic, Germanic rolling of the syllables, with the wickedness of it’s meaning. Wundervoll!

    I coulda read more…

  4. Vanessa- Most of the stuff I’ve left out was just simple thing like Sara sharing her salad with Romeo (I think that’s why he pooped in the bag) and different things about the dinner. That’s all. More set up to why were weren’t compatible and nothing really to do with Romeo getting run over by the cab. That’s why I left it out.

  5. What would you have done if the woman you were waiting 35 minutes for wasn’t hot and/or didn’t have great boobs? Just curious.

  6. LMAO!! Thats shocking! You should just date a cop… maybe they wont get called then.

  7. I can be your Sara. HA! That is the cheesiest thing I’ve said all day.

  8. OMG–you have had the worst dates I have ever heard of. Now, let me fix you up with…

  9. Semicharmed- Honestly, I probably would have done the same thing.

    Samone- I’ve dated a female cop before. It didn’t work out. I’d tell the story, but she’s armed and can arrest people. HA!

    IHBE- HA! I think that whole living on the other side of the world thing may get in the way.

    Lulu- Yes, I’ve had some really bad dates, but I’ve had some good ones too. It’s just that the bad ones make the best stories.

  10. That’s the worst excuse I’ve ever heard! You know, you can just say you’re not interested. *slits throat in despair* WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. Seriously; I’m waiting for my break to get out of Norway.

  11. Honey, you seem to have a little problem with the PO-lice. Jeebus. Do you look like someone who ought to be handcuffed? Try shaving perhaps? Hah.

  12. Hedon: Refering to me? I have big tits: they keep me out of trouble. In some ways.
    For a pic, check my blog. The evilness lurks.

  13. Oh no! I was referring to TommyT! This is the second story I’ve read that ended up with him being taken in by the PO-lice!

  14. At least you were set up… I find them on my own. I did notice you said shapely. not big.

  15. Good. TommyT: Grow tits. That’ll help you.

  16. IHBE- Sure, we didn’t have a mental connection, but she was a genuinely nice woman and there was really no reason to cut the date short. Beside, I ordered the Salmon. HA! Oh, and I’m quite happy not having tits.

    HPS- In the first story I posted, I wasn’t the one who had trouble with the cops, it was the girl that got arrested. However, I’ve had a few run-ins in my time.

    Nancy- She definitely had all of the right curves in the right places. Which is nice. HA!

  17. But Tommy, if you have tits you can play with them any time you want–it’s quite fun, actually.

  18. If I had someone like this in my life…you’re saying to keep them OUT of traffic?
    Anita Marie

  19. Lulu- Half of the fun is gaining access to them. That and I’ve spent way too much time learning how to take bras off of women to let it go to waste. HA!

    Anita- I guess it would depend on the size of the life insurance policy, but generally yes, you’d want to keep them out of oncoming traffic.

  20. Ok, was just wondering.

    I’m going to start describing how big men’s genitals look in their pants from now on and talk about their hotness factor. I’m just curious what people would think if I did that. Now I just have to find someone to go out on a date with.

  21. You totally punted the dog. :p

  22. My cold, black heart has prompted me to comment with the following: Bitch should’ve left her mutt at HOME any-damn-way, and Romeo would’ve been there waiting for her, ‘pon her return.
    That’s it.

  23. You have GOT to be the KING of wierd-women-magnets! Just… DAMN!

  24. Semi- I also talked about how nice she was and that she was honestly a good person. We just didn’t have a mental connection.

    Rirdlant- Hey! Nice to see you here. Now, come on dude. Do you honestly think that I would ever punt a dog?

    Coffey- Well, if that happened, the dog wouldn’t have died. If you truly had a cold heart, you would have told her to toss the dog into traffic, but you didn’t, you wanted the dog to live. That’s nice to hear. You big softy you! HA!

    MIM- Trust me, I haven’t gotten to the weird stories yet. HA!

  25. I know, but the looks thing always comes before the personality. Don’t take me too seriously here. I’m not too hacked over it. I certainly don’t want you to go find a good Republican woman to set you on a good path of redemption or anything of that sort. ;)

    But I am going to make an entry describing in detail the total hotness or lack thereof of any future dates. Or at least one. :)

  26. Semi- Looks don’t always come before personality. If they did, I’d never get a damned date and there’d by no stories of me falling off of beds or seeing the girl I’m supposed to be on a date with getting arrested. HA!

  27. Damn, I was supposed to suppress all feelings of warmth and compassion, when I wrote that comment. ;-)

  28. Sorry, just catching up here… While Sara certainly doesn’t seem like the sharpest knife in the drawer, if Indy had gotten killed on a date, I would have gone ape-shit as well. Probably even to the point of having to be sedated. Puppies are the best thing in the world, and to lose one so suddenly and tragically…I can’t even fathom.

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